Milt Stegall says he doesn’t want to be known as Mr. Negative. Don’t worry, Jock Climie has a lock on that.
I get busted coverages; they happen. It’s embarrassing and perhaps unprofessional, but shit’s gonna happen once in a while. The part I don’t understand is how they could let Dressler, of all people, fall through the cracks. Geez.
Gotta love those Roughrider games in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary. You cannot tell, from the crowd noise, who is the home team.
Hey! Here’s a thought, BC. Put someone on Dressler. Or just be generally aware he is on the field when the Rider offense is playing.
That first quarter interception is the real problem with Glenn. He lights it up, but damn, every once in a while he gives up those terrible, terrible interceptions. You just won’t win the Grey Cup like that. I like the guy. He’s one of the all-time best CFL quarterbacks. A selfless team player. Team leader. Hard worker. The prototype consummate professional. Who doesn’t want him to succeed? And yet, he hucks those nasty balls once every half or so that just kills the team.
See, here’s Glen Suitor enunciating exactly that I’m trying to describe about Kevin Glenn. He’s an outstanding quarterback, but…. “But.” Mr. Suitor is a wise man. He needs the moustache back.
Trevor Harris looks like Randy Orton. Yes, I know. Who cares.
But for the one broken coverage and the Keystone Cops routine on the second last play, that was a boring first half. That Keystone Cops reference is so old, even I don’t really get it. Something about cheap beer?
These Riders, they can’t tackle worth a shit, but boy, can they hit.
Mr. Suitor goes off with his crybaby receiver routine. He’s right, and that’s why we call him Mr. Suitor here at Discombobulated. (And grow the damned moustache back, Mr. Suitor; I can’t stress that enough.)
Hollins is having a hell of a game. He is taking on, and taking out, Collie.
The Kentucky Derby is the greatest two minutes in sports, and that last Rider touchdown was the longest two minutes in football. They should have a new rule that says if there are three consecutive plays with flags thrown, no flag can be thrown on the fourth play. The players can all go batshit crazy on each other for one play, like The Purge. Injuries might go up, but so would the ratings.
So, in summary:
Glenn lit it up again.
Weston Dressler is a man among boys in the secondary.
Anthony Allen is a beast. (I’d go with panther.)
Messam will kill you to death.
And the Riders lose again.
So close, again. There is something missing this year. Some vital ingredient. What could it be? Who could it be? Hmm….