It would certainly save a lot of time if Saskatchewan’s defense would just spot opposing teams eight yards on first down and let the opposing offenses start at second and two. There’s no sense wearing out Saskatchewan’s defense playing those automatic 8-yard first downs.
Who is in charge of Saskatchewan’s defense? Rider Head Coach Chamblin should fire that guy’s ass. And as I finish writing that, what does Mr. Glen Suitor point out? The Roughrider’s defense is the worst in the league, statistically (and, let’s face it, by any other measure), and Coach Chamblin is, indeed, in charge of it.
I’m not sure I’m seeing what the Saskatchewan coaching staff sees in Michael Carter.
Very impressive game for Travis Lulay. If he doesn’t get himself killed one of these days on those amazing bootlegs, he might indeed be headed for another career year. Now don’t get too excited, BC, you just beat the worst team in the league twice. Even Ottawa might have been able to pull that off. Back to Lulay, he seems like a really good guy. They should replace the Trivado guy with Lulay.
I think the restless silence at Mosaic was the dawning of a growing awareness within Rider Nation that, even if the Riders were to accidentally win this game (and it would need to be by accident), they are not a good team. It’s gonna be a loooong season. I know what bad Roughrider teams look like. My formative years were the Dark Times (1977-1987) and I lived through the mid-1990s. This is a bad team. I’m not saying it won’t pull out of this tailspin, and I remain convinced that this team will be around .500 near the mid-season point. But that team there, on the field right now, is B-A-D bad.
To Messam, who is still killing them to death, your public prediction about a winning streak came to an abrupt end before it even got started. Nevertheless, I loved the spirit and intent of your bold statement. This team needs some leadership, badly. You stepped up; let’s see who else does. The Saskatchewan Roughiders have been leaning on Darian Durant for well over five years without even knowing it.